cultural storyteller
Noè Harsel is an arts producer, executive leader, writer and podcaster. She is Museum Director & CEO of the Jewish Museum of Australia, outgoing Chair at Writers Victoria, creator and host of Live Write an online writers’ group, and Why Write, a short podcast that asks writers why they write. Noè also co-created and hosts the SBS podcast Like Us, a discussion about race, identity and culture in Australia.
To see more please do check out the About page or LinkedIn.
Keep in touch with me on Instagram.
Photographer: Marie-Luise Skibbe
Live Write
A supportive, online writing network, meeting twice a week (25 minutes).
Click here to sign up for Live Write reminders (tick the Live Write box).
Why Write
A super short podcast that asks one writer one question: why write?
Subscribe so that you never miss an episode!
Like Us
A podcast hosted by 3 Australian women from different cultural backgrounds, discussing race, culture and life.
Listen to this limited podcast series here.