Live Write

Need some extra writing motivation? Don’t have time to write? Then LIVE WRITE is absolutely for you!

Our LIVE WRITERS have written award-winning stories, finished thier manuscripts, submitted to competitions and contributed to creating and developing thier sense of purpose and community.

Not sure? Have a look at the prompts–but it is much more fun with us all in the virtual room!

Done with the support of Writers Victoria, but open to everyone. LIVE WRITE, is an online writing session that brings a sense of community straight to your home. These accountability sessions are run on Tuesday nights and Friday middays (AEST). Set yourself up with a Word document or a pen and some paper, hop on to Zoom, and join in for a 25 minute writing session. Want to join in the fun? Just contact me for details.

Try these prompts:

  • Write a scene about putting together pieces of a puzzle (author’s choice if this is literal or not)
  • Put yourself in a scene of conflict or a situation of conflict — how do you behave? What do you say? What do you look like?
  • Take a recent conflict in your life, or one that you remember, and give it to your character to play out.
  • Imagine you are someone’s shadow …
  • Place two characters on either side of a closed door. What next? Do they talk? Do they listen? Do they even know each other?
  • Start a scene, or story with ‘Hello’…
  • Think of a dream that you have had and construct a scene based on that…

Join Live Write!

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